Science Unveils the World’s Most POWERFUL Natural Immune Booster

Science Unveils the World’s Most POWERFUL Natural Immune Booster
IMUReGEN. 100% Natural. Certified Organic. Sourced from the Best on Earth.

70% of All Disease Begins in Your Digestive System… IMUReGEN Restores Your Digestive Health and Promotes Advanced Immune Support

THE RESULT: You become an UNFAVORABLE host for disease, and halt the aging process as we know it. How? It all begins with your cells. You see, your body needs naturally occurring nucleotides, amino acids, oligopeptides and trace elementsto regenerate healthy cells—and you have trillions of them. In fact, when you think back to High School biology class you probably remember that your entire body is made up of cells. So what do you think happens when “Civilization Contamination” (when you’re exposed to unavoidable environmental, food, and stress induced toxicity) transforms your healthy cells, into unhealthy cells? You increase your chances of becoming a favorable host, making you a prime target for inflammation triggered auto-immune based diseases like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, post-stroke ailments and more. Not to mention that your gut health goes out of wack, making it hard for you to maintain a healthy weight. And as any integrated health professional can tell you, your immune system and your gut health dictate everything.
 How you feel.
 How you heal.
 How your cells regenerate, thus how your organs regenerate and function.
 How your body uses the nutrients you eat.
 How you perform mentally, and physically.
 How your body defends itself against the common cold, or flu.
 And yes, your immune health determines if you’ll experience a never-ending slough of autoimmune diseases like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, post-stroke ailments, Crones, Rheumatoid Arthritis and even whether or not you’ll become a statistic in the obesity epidemic.


The Truth is that you probably wouldn’t be facing any of the aches, pains, ailments, diseases you’re experiencing, or difficulty maintaining a healthy weight, if Civilization Contamination hadn’t transformed your body into an ideal host for disease because of INFLAMMATION… Over time exposure to this unavoidable “Civilization Contamination” weakens your immune system, unleashing an endless torrent of disorders you hear about on the news every day. And if you’re old enough to read this, chances are you’ve been unavoidably exposed to high enough levels of “Civilization Contamination” that you’re already struggling with inflammation. Here’s How You Became a Favorable Host for Disease… All this exposure to unavoidable toxins, low-quality food, stress, and even pharmaceutical medications has caused your cells to undergo duress, placing them into a state of depletion and deterioration, and forgoing their ability to receive ADP— your cells energy reserve, allow for protein synthesis, and help with the gradient transport of nutrients. After you’ve been exposed to enough of these toxins, your digestive track and immune system begin to fail, so your intestines can no longer do their part to prevent infection from bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and yeast infections. What’s worse is that once your unhealthy yeast overgrowth begins to penetrate the mucosal lining of your intestinal tract, fungus and bacteria invade resulting in CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. But Chronic Inflammation, that term you hear about on the news every day, is only the beginning. From here it’s a downward spiral as your digestive system fails, your immune system grows weaker, and finally your body issues that dreaded AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE. “Remember, 70% of the major diseases, disorders, pain, performance issues, mental health, and weight management challenge you’ve ever faced are most likely rooted in your digestive system because of a “Civilization Contamination” triggered auto-immune response.” Once your autoimmune response kicks in, your body begins responding to its own cells in attack mode,allowing increased exposure to fungal and viral infections to trigger multiple system failure. Suddenly your respiratory system, cardiovascular system, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, and endocrine system turn on you. Finally, your body fails to absorb the nutrition you need into the bloodstream. You begin to experience liver and adrenal fatigue, food allergies, and system wide tissue inflammation. What’s worse is that your already damaged cells now increase how frequently they split, and reproduce making your body “sicker” faster… Frequently resulting in cancer, tumors and a host of the auto-immune related symptoms you may be experiencing now. Stop and look ahead a few months from now… What if you could quickly reverse the strangle hold inflammation has on your digestive system, restore your immune health, and experience optimal vitality throughout your entire body? That’s what integrative health practitioners, patients, and even members of the prestigious World Health Organization are saying about IMUReGEN. You see, the LIVING Nucleotides in IMUReGEN support your body’s natural ability to reduce inflammation, restore optimal gut and immune health… And more. 

Here’s Where the Science Becomes a Miracle First: IMUReGEN begins assisting with the repair of your digestive systems which triggers a decrease in inflammation, restoring your gut system all the way down to your villi and allowing these finger like tentacles to extend and grab nutrients as they pass by—causing an exponential snowball effect that results in your immune system being restored to its healthiest state. Second: IMUReGEN begins carrying the nutrients your body needs across your cell barrier for maximum absorption and uptake of the premium organic nutrients you’ll find in Imuregen, and the healthy foods you feed your body each day. Third: IMUReGEN increases your rate of cellular regeneration thus regenerating your internal tissue andallowing cells to return to healthy function Because IMUReGEN is the living matter nucleotides that helps to rebuild tissue, produce the polypeptides, proteins, and organic salts you need for restoration, and acts as a catalyst for the regrowing of healthy new cells as they split. And as your trillion+ cells continue to split, and regrow into healthy cells, your body will re-start and restore its natural process of cellular regeneration. Add to this IMUReGEN’s anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and normal flora rebalancing effects and you finally experience the kind of digestive health you need to support a healthy immune system. THE RESULT: Your body’s natural cellular regeneration system kicks in, healing your inflammation. Your cells STOP being a favorable host to disease, your immune system stops attacking your cells, and as the trillions of cells that make up your entire body are renewed you begin to experience a level of health you simply cannot imagine.

 Enhance Your Physical and Mental Health
 Increase Your Energy levels and Encourage Rejuvenating Sleep
 Aid in Greater Absorption from Your Healthy Diet and Supplement Intake So Your Body Actually

Benefits from the Nutrients You Consume
 Support Healthy Weight Management and Break Down Your Fat Reserves
 Aid in Your Mental Fitness for Increased Memory, Concentration and Alertness
 Maintain Healthy Insulin Levels, and Naturally Support Optimal Blood Sugar
 Support Heart and Immune Health
 Aid in the Elimination of Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress to Stop the Acceleration of Aging
 Protect Your Immune System with AntiMicrobial Ingredients
 Mitigate the Effect of Disease Related Treatments Like Pharmaceutically Triggered Candidate Overgrowth, Radiation & Chemotherapy
 Helps Support Healthy Cholesterol and Reduce LDL
 Reduce Cadiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer in Conjunction with Other Evidence Based

 Support Your Well-Being By Introducing Minerals that Bind to Amino Acids
 Neutralizes the Acidic and Inflammatory Effect of Prescription Medications
 Enhances Cellular Absorption of Oxygen
 Reduces Lactic Acid Build-Up in Your Body  Increases Athletic Performance
 Aids in the Prevention of Acidification within Your Body
 And More… 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.